Automotive High-Temperature Hoses – Master Clip Series

At Masterflex Technical Hoses, we understand the unique challenges automotive engineers face. Your designs require reliable components that can withstand harsh environments and extreme temperatures. We offer the Master Clip series, a range of automotive high-temperature hoses specifically engineered for demanding automotive applications. Master Clip HT450: Ideal for: Exhaust gas extraction, hot air conveyance, diesel engine […]

Beat the Heat: Keep Your Robots Running Smoothly with Custom Heat-Resistant Hoses

Are you frustrated by production downtime and rising maintenance costs due to damaged hoses in your robots? You’re not alone. Flying sparks, thermal overloads, and harsh environments can take a toll on standard hose lines, leading to costly repairs and lost productivity. Masterflex Group has the solution: a wide range of standard and custom-made heat-resistant hoses […]

Christmas Timings & A Happy New Year from Masterflex UK!

Christmas Timings We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas & a Happy 2024 New Year! We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family and friends. We would also like to inform you of our opening days and timings during the Christmas and New Year period: Last day for dispatch: Wednesday, […]

TPV Tubing – The Masterflex TPV Peristaltic Pump Tube

TPV Tubing – Peristaltic pumps are positive displacement pumps that use a flexible tube to transport fluid. This tube undergoes compression by rollers or shoes, which force fluid through it. Peristaltic pumps are for numerous applications, including food and beverage processing, medical devices, and industrial manufacturing. The type of peristaltic pump tube used depends on […]

Robust Hoses for Shipbuilding and Shipyard Equipment

Materflex Technical Hoses perform essential functions in the air, water and land. We manufacture and supply hoses and ducting for Shipbuilding and Shipyard Equipment, including ferries, yachts, cargo ships and giants cruise ships; while ensuring safety first: Welding fumes Hoses for Shipbuilding and Shipyard Equipment Welding, in marine applications, is used today instead of riveting like […]

Hose Applications

  Do you know the various types of hose applications Masterflex hoses can accomplish? Masterflex hose design aims to achieve, in combination, performance and durability according to your application requirements. Our hoses consist of combinations of materials such as PVC, Polyurethane, Polyethylene, Teflon (PTFE) and Nylon, where material choice is dependent on the application.    […]

Applications For Chemical Hoses

Applications For Chemical Hoses: A chemical hose is made for chemical compound transfer applications and offers broad chemical resistance. Chemical hoses by Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd UK (Masterflex) are manufactured and stocked for a wide range of industrial applications for high chemical resistance, temperature tolerance, flexibility and transfer rates in a range of specialist materials; with the […]

Fume Removal Hoses. Are You Aware Of Your Options at Masterflex UK?

  Masterflex is a manufacturer and supplier of fume removal hoses for cars, buses, fire engines, emergency vehicles, defence systems and aerospace; These hoses capture exhaust gases to provide a safer working environment. Did you know?  Exhaust extraction at the source is essential to ensure the safety of workers; capturing exhaust fumes at the origin is the most effective […]