The Future of Industrial Ventilation: How High-Performance Technical Hoses Are Redefining Airflow Efficiency

The Future of Industrial Ventilation: How High-Performance Technical Hoses Are Redefining Airflow Efficiency.

High-Temperature Applications – The 3 Interesting Hose Applications!

Three interesting high-temperature applications, despite numerous ones, explain the applications in which high-temperature ducting hoses help transport gases, solids and moisture.

Heat Resistant Hoses & Some HOT Facts

Heat Resistant Hoses, Starting off with some interesting facts! Room temperature is between 20 – 25 °C. Normal Body Temperature is 37 °C. The average shower temperature is 38 °C. Coffee roasting is between 204 – 218 °C. Lightning strikes can be up to 30000 °C. The Sun is approximately 15 million °C. Since there […]

English Summer Holidays and its Emerging Trends – High-Temperature Hoses

(Find out about Masterflex High-Temperature Hoses at the end of this blog This history of summer holidays is a cloud of myths. Were the long summer holidays, six weeks for most UK pupils, invented so that children could help work in the fields during their summer break? However, this can’t be true, as the farming […]