Master-Clip products, are Polymer & Fabric & Hoses, featuring a mechanically locked helix; thus, eliminating the use of adhesives while providing long and uninterrupted service life.
The combination of many different types of materials, to suit special application requirements, is possible with Master-Clip fabric and polymer hoses; as they are mechanically locked and not reliant for being compatible for welding/glueing.
The outer helix of the ducting, to give protection against abrasion, can be galvanised steel or stainless steel. By the nature of their construction, fabric & polymer hoses, are incredibly lightweight, flexible and compressible.
Due to the type of tools involved in the mechanical locking process diameters between 50-900mm can be made and in lengths up to 25 meters (depending on hose type).
The Various Types of Polymer &
Fabric Hoses (Master-Clip)
Masterflex hoses made from Fabric and Polymer, called Master-Clip (MC), come in various types; as indicated below:
- Fabric: e.g: CAR
- Polymer: e.g: PE (Polyethylene), PUR (Polyurethane)
- Polymer coated fabric: e.g: Neoprene, Hypalon, Viton.
- Polymer coated glass fabric: e.g: SPARK, Silicon, (High Temperature) HT 400, HT 450, HT 650.
Hoses can also be made using a mixture of materials, such as Hypalon/Polyester outer with PTFE lining; giving good strength and excellent chemical resistance: for example, the Master-Clip PTFE – H.

Polymer & Fabric Hoses: Applications
High-Temperature Applications
Hoses suitable for extremely high temperatures, from -260 °C to 1100 °C, are offered by Masterflex; these can be accommodated across a wide diameter range from 50mm (1.97″) to 900mm (36″). Examples of its high-temperature applications, for hot air suction, include:
- Steel plants
- Furnaces/Foundries/Forges
- Dryer systems
Exhaust Specific Applications
Exhaust specific high-temperature hoses, resistant to 1100 degrees °C; these are lightweight, flexible and suitable for (engine exhaust) swing arm drop systems, including, hose reel systems. These High-Temperature Hoses are great and famous for use in:
- Defence/Military
- Aircraft, Aerospace and Shipbuilding Industries.
- Pull-Up Hose Systems
- Hose Reel Systems
- Engine Exhaust Fumes
Toxic Fume Applications
A variation of chemical resistance hoses are great for:
- Non-aggressive toxic fumes
- Highly Corrosive Acids
- Alkalis & Solvents
- Paper and pulp industries
- Paint-spray extraction
- Weld fume extraction
- Chemical fume extraction
- Air Movement Applications
- ATEX rated applications
Positive or Negative Air Ventilation
- Air conditioning systems
- Dehumidifiers
- Fresh air ventilation
- Transportation of hot air for heating applications
- HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems
- Portable Ventilation
- Construction Ventilation
Did You Know?
Most Masterflex Hoses are manufactured in the UK
Look no further than Masterflex Technical Hoses Ltd for both & polymer &
fabric hoses. Did you know we are a leading UK Manufacturer of high-tech flexible ducts, hoses and connecting systems? Have a look at our website to see the products we manufacture and the many industries in which we specialise.
Masterflex Technical Hoses are ready to serve customers promptly and courteously, in all parts of the U.K & the Republic of Ireland.
Free Samples
We can send you a free sample of the hose, including fabric
hoses/polymer hoses, that you may require.
For more information on our products, please, contact Masterflex UK:
Masterflex Technical Hoses Limited
Units G & H, Prince of Wales Business Park,
Vulcan Street, Oldham, OL1 4ER
Tel: 0161 626 8066 Fax: 0161 626 9066
Monday – Thursday 8 am – 5 pm
Friday 8 am – 2:30 pm